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Mating or fighting ?

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Mating or fighting ?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #6970

    Last night I saw 2 hedgehogs, one was kinda pushing the other with its nose. The one being pushed didn’t move just stayed there …….then my security light went off and when I nipped out so it would go on again both hedgehogs had gone. Not sure if it’s a mating thing or not .

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    Hi Jacky

    Difficult to say with such a short view/description. Normally if they are trying to push another one along it is aggression, and the one being pushed often resists, but sometimes when they are doing the courtship ‘dance’ the female can get a bit grumpy and nudge the male. And the male sometimes seems to almost try to get underneath the female.

    Very annoying of your light to go out! But, usually if it is courtship it goes on for a while and there is a lot of huffing from the female as the male circles her, but they may well have gone quiet when they heard you coming.

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