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My spiky friends are back

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings My spiky friends are back

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    Mark (due to fluorescent markings/highlights on its bum) has been pootling around the garden for a few weeks now, on and off dependent on the weather, and I only started putting the camera out sporadically. Then we had the cold snap a week or two ago so I didn’t bother as the food went untouched so presume it had gone back into the house (I think its in the house, haven’t mounted the camera there yet to look but it wandered off in that direction a few nights ago).

    Last night, both hogs visited – Sonic (predictable, I know) being the other one – and I’ve captured them both feeding from the same bowl at the same time, which was a pleasant surprise. They were pottering about on and off from just after 8pm to about 4.30am, and I’m thrilled they’re both present and correct 😀

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    Hi Shazbat

    It’s great to hear that your two hog friends are back. It’s always a relief to see them safely back from hibernation! Fingers crossed for a good hedgehog year.

    Good luck and happy hog watching.

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