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Possible hedgehog attacked

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Possible hedgehog attacked

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    Is there any animal ( at night) that would attack a hedgehog we have had a regular hedgehog visit our garden since last June & believe that we have had a second hedgehog come most nights however the other night my mum heard the most awful noise coming from next door when she looked under the small gap in the fence she could see what she thought looked like grey fur ( could this be the underneath of a hedgehog as mostly they are brown she said it had been attacked & was in great pain last night good had not been touched that much -so hoping that it was not the hedgehog that was in distressed the other night & that it comes back to my garden soon
    Many thanks

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    Hi Cheryl

    Yes, hedgehogs could be attacked at night, by badgers, dogs and possibly foxes.

    However there is also the possibility that it was the hedgehog doing the attacking. They will on occasion eat birds if they come across them on the ground. I have heard a hedgehog killing a fledgling. It’s possible there was something wrong with the fledgling, as it shouldn’t have been on the ground. I heard a terrible noise and thought something was attacking a hedgehog, only to find it was a hedgehog killing a fledgling. Or I should probably say killed, by the time I saw it. I can only assume that it was the fledgling making the terrible noise. But I can completely understand how distressing the sound could have been to your Mum.

    I also recall someone reporting in the past on the Forum that a hedgehog killed a pigeon. Whilst this may seem unlikely, if there was something wrong with it, it may not have been in a fit state to move away. Again that person was apparently alerted by a terrible noise.

    It is never nice to hear an animal being killed, but in the two circumstances mentioned it may have saved the two birds from a slow death and may have been natures way of ensuring that didn’t happen.

    Is it possible you could ask your neighbour whether they could throw any more light on the matter?

    I hope your visiting hedgehog returned safe and sound.

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