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Rat Problem.

Home Forums Champions’ chat Rat Problem.

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  • #45627

    I have rat/rats by the feeding station (as caught on camera) and so I will have to stop feeding. I’ve been feeding hhs for 5 years. The rats appear to be taking the food I assume to feed young. Pest control have put a box with peanut butter at the moment, to avoid poison. Just to say that someone suggested cat fur yet I read on Google that it doesn’t naturally occur that cats kill rats, mice yes. Have cats in garden from neighbours regularly.


    I had rats and cat fur did seem to work- just wedge it in the hedgehog house , i also have humane traps which i position on top of the hedgehog houses and caught one the other day, i used peanut butter on bread ,you can get the traps from Ebay – – if you search for “steve konarski” on youtube you can see my videos and the capture. I had larger traps but they got rusty – but this smaller one does the job , i then release them about 2 miles away at a widlife park


    I had rats and cat fur did seem to work- just wedge it in the hedgehog house , i also have humane traps which i position on top of the hedgehog houses and caught one the other day, i used peanut butter on bread ,you can get the traps from Ebay – – if you search for “steve konarski” on youtube you can see my videos and the capture. I had larger traps but they got rusty – but this smaller one does the job , i then release them about 2 miles away at a widlife park

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