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Rats, maybe a solution

Home Forums Champions’ chat Rats, maybe a solution

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  • #45540

    I have a hedgehog feeding station house where i feed my hedgehogs but have an occasional problem with rats. I have trail camera monitoring the house and at other partes of the garden, I also have humane rat trap cages which i bait with peanut coated bread ,.rats have been entering the feeding house and seem to ignore the traps. However over the past couple of nights i have found a solution,I have two hairy cats and collected the fur and wedged it jjust inside the entrance to the feeding station. The rats came but did not enter , howvere the hedgehogs entered freely and took the food, and did not seem to mind the cat fur


    I have a youtube channel of 20 or so videos i took in my garden – if you search for ” gormless hedgehog” then this will link to one of them and you can click on my name for the others


    That’s a brilliant idea! Using cat fur as a hedgehog-friendly non-lethal rat deterrent. Cats don’t hunt hedgehogs, because they’re too prickly to be worth bothering with, so hedgehogs aren’t scared of cats at all, but one whiff of a cat’s scent and a rat will run a mile. I’d never have thought of that. You’re a genius. You’ve figured out something else cats are actually useful for, besides making humans extremely happy just by existing.


    if you go on youtube and search for “cat with lion cut” – include the quotes in the search – you can see my supplier


    or go on youtube and search for “steve konarski” and the video should come up


    or go on youtube and search for “steve konarski” and the video should come up

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