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Scary visit

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Scary visit

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by stef.
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  • #10617

    So I have never seen a hedgehog before and tonight I got the biggest scare of my life! Ahah
    We just moved to Gravesend, Kent and I was outside in the back garden and I kept hearing these rustling noises and I thought it was one of our cats (we have 2 outdoor 5 yrs old cats) and then I saw something small moving between the bushes. I rushed in the house because I’m such a scaredy cat and watched it from the kitchen window.
    I finally realised it was a hedgehog as it neared the cat food bowls and started munching happily.

    Can anyone advise if it’s ok for the cats and hedgehog to share food bowls?


    Yes it’s perfectly fine, they will ignore each other
    Lucky you getting to see one.

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