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Shed Hogs

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #45287

    We seem to have a Hedgehog move into Poppy’s (cat) shed. We believe it’s been there over winter. Hedgehog is now eating the cat biscuits and taking dry leaves into shed. Couple of nights ago we saw another Hedgehog in there circling 1st Hog and grunting. We’ve also got lots of hog poo in garden.
    Just trying to do our best and look out for out new friends

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    Hi emillyj

    I’ve heard of hedgehogs moving into cats residences before! One things for sure – they know their own minds and if they decide on a cat shed, the poor old cat might be evicted! Sounds promising one is taking leaves in – a definite hog seal of approval! Perhaps the solution is a new shed for Poppy!?

    In any event, it sounds as if the hedgehogs are appreciating you looking out for them, so keep up the good work and happy hog watching!

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