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Snooze after food

Home Forums Champions’ chat Snooze after food

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  • #45616

    I am trying to find out whether our visiting hedgehog is doing something different?
    He visits our garden at dusk at which point we put out some hedgehog food, which he eagerly eats. He then appears to go to sleep for about 30-40mins in front of the (now empty) dish. Any ideas why this is happening, and if he’s OK?


    It’s normal for hogs to snooze after a heavy meal – a bit like humans, except in the case of hogs it’s not normal for them to get a large meal as they would normally graze for hours.
    As long as the poo present it leaves you around the food dish seems normal then I wouldn’t worry
    At this time of year it could also be a nursing female having a meal and a nap
    It’s also possible it’s waiting for you to top up the dish….

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