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Where can I purchase Camera’s from?

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Where can I purchase Camera’s from?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #45004

    I am after purchasing some cameras so that I can help with this site about sightings of Hedgehogs here in the Isle of Man. Can someone let me know where I can get the cameras from or the make and model that you suggest so that I can source them myself.


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    Hi James

    I’m no expert, but there are so many different types of cameras of varying prices. With the cheapest you can sometimes be lucky and get a good one, but other times (probably more often!) not so much.

    There is some information in here:

    There are loads of other places you can get them online, but “NatureSpy is a non-profit organisation focused on wildlife conservation” and seem helpful.

    I have two Bushnell cameras (Trophy Cam HD E3) – one is sometimes a bit temperamental, but the other (now quite old) seems ok. They were not the cheapest and the models may be different now. The closing clips were plastic and one of mine broke fairly soon, but I was able to rig up another (metal) ‘closer’ fairly easily which has lasted for years now and seems fine.

    I also have a Konig camera, which was a bit cheaper (but still not one of the cheapest ones), but older than the other two and still going. The picture isn’t quite as clear as the Bushnell ones, but plenty good enough. I got that one from a camera shop, but you may need to get them on line these days.

    I found that even the Lithium batteries (which were recommended) didn’t last long with hedgehog images, so now use rechargeable ones. You just have to bear in mind that you may need to use the maximum number of batteries to achieve sufficient power, as i.e. AA rechargeable batteries are only 1.2 volts each, as opposed to 1.5 volts for non-rechargeable. I find that ones with higher mAh (usually more expensive) last longer.

    Good luck. I hope you manage to find something that suits your circumstances. It would be lovely to hear about the hedgehogs on Isle of Man.

    Happy hog watching!

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