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whitefield hogs

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings whitefield hogs

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  • #14549

    we’ve had a hedgehog come to our garden for food since autumn last year. it’s been back this year and last night i saw 2 of them on the lawn. they were making the strangest noise which I now know is mating behaviour! so really hoping we’ll see babies in next few months. we’ve got a house that we’ve made and we have found poo in it, but what’s the best sort of nesting stuff to put in it?

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    Hi tcfleet

    Leaves, long, grasses, hay, etc. can all be used for nesting. Many hogs prefer to make their nests themselves, so maybe just put a little in to start with to give them the idea and leave lots of nesting material nearby which they can take in themselves.

    Hope someone moves in soon, but don’t be too disappointed if they don’t move in immediately. Some hogs will move in quite quickly, but others like to wait until the hog house has become part of the scenery.

    Good luck.

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