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Will they be ok for winter?

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Will they be ok for winter?

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    Hello, i am new to the forum. We have an adult hedgehog visiting us since end July. We started followimg the advice given here (dog food, no fish based, water, build a house, add a camera to enjoy its nightly endeavors). And then, for our delight last week we were surprised we have 3 hoglets coming with her! But the question is, is: are they too small and will they survive winter?
    We know the ideal is to weight them but we want to leave them undisturbed (as we also read that their mother may give up on them or they may be streesed by it), so besides weight how can we know if they will survive? Their estimated sizes (we used the feeding tray to estimate it) is 10 -to 12 cm max – if it wasn’t for the camera we by naked eye could think they look like large rats haha).
    We want to be sure they will be okay or should we get help to overwinter them?
    Any advice from the people here who understand about these little friends would be great!


    I rang a local wildlife rescue recently over a very small hog which was visiting our garden. They told me to keep feeding a high protien cat biccy and they will soon fatten up. Over the last 3 weeks he has had good wieght gain looking at him. They told me some heggies if its a mild winter may not hibernate until December time and keep an eye on him. If it gets particularly cold then call them.


    Great, thanks Speedy! We are doing the same (wet dog food), and noticed the two heggies that decided to stay are now getting bit bigger and rounder too! Unfortunately the mom and the other hoglet stopped visiting some days ago, hope they are alright. We have two now from that litter still coming every night, so will keep an eye until winter. Thanks for the tips!


    Hi. I need an advice please. I have always been feeding hedgehogs in my garden… Last summer it was quite a few of them, I counted 4. This summer I only saw one… I was thinking, if I spot him now, shall I take him to live in my conservatory for the coming winter? I have 2 hedgehog houses, lots of hedgehog food.
    Do you think it would help him to survive the winter rather than being cold somewhere and perhaps eaten by a fox?
    Thank you!

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    Hi Olkasparis

    I’m pleased to hear you have a hedgehog visiting. The thing to remember about hedgehogs is that they have been around for millions of years, long before we humans ever thought of, or even needed to help them. The hedgehog will be much happier and healthier if it is left in the wild, as it should be. You say you have two hedgehog houses. I am assuming they are outside in your garden and a hedgehog may choose to hibernate in one of them. It would be far too warm in a human house for them and taking one indoors is definitely not something you should do.

    They actually need to be fairly cold to hibernate and they build their nests in such a way that they are well insulated so that the temperature doesn’t fluctuate too much. You can help them by leaving lots of materials around which they can build their nests with, such as leaves, grasses or dried mosses. They usually like to build their nests themselves and if you ever see one, you will realise that they are far better at it than we could ever be.

    Maybe, if you’re lucky, the hedgehog will choose to hibernate in your garden. Good luck.

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