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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog hedgehog with splayed back legs Reply To: hedgehog with splayed back legs


Sorry, Simbo – I miss read your post.. I thought you meant neither of you were happy about taking it to Brent Lodge – no, that’s great if it’s your Vet’s preferred contact.

Hope your regulars revisit soon.. they might just be holed up until it starts to cool down, perhaps..? ( Must admit, since the temperature’s rocketed, I’m leaving out even more water feeders & topping them up morning & night ) haven’t seen as much activity from our regulars lately, either – so it could just be that – plus I’m not feeding as regularly.. two fox cubs have taken a shine to the feeder & one of them has actually managed to get in the thing..!! Despite the perfectly Hog sized hole..!! So I’ve taken to keeping the borders well watered, encourage the bugs & help keep the ground soft for easy digging!

Well, offer still stands if you need, Simbo – I’m in Surrey, but get down to W.Sussex very regularly – usually just along the road from Bognor, but spent many a happy day on Littlehampton Beach!!
