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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Big surprise this morning. Reply To: Big surprise this morning.


Hi Penny, yes at the moment it is still quite busy. All three cameras are picking up hedgehogs and hoglets near their homes and the feeding stations. Of course things will change over the next few weeks, although I will still be putting out food and water and checking the cameras for any activity. Main concern at the moment is ensuring the hoglets get through the winter. They seem to be doing well and both families still have a Mum overseeing things. I have three additional Hog houses which are vacant and I am hoping that the kids will eventually move in, but as a newbie to all this I am not sure when that might happen, and of course any adult could come along and take them, or indeed they could remain empty. At the moment just enjoying the daily ritual of collecting the SD cards and going through the clips to see what antics happened the previous night.
