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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Big surprise this morning. Reply To: Big surprise this morning.


Hi simbo65, thankyou for your kind words. The good news is that all 5 hedgehog houses are either occupied or are having bedding put in by prospective owners. All of the houses are being occupied by hoglets with the only adult occupant being the Mum who first moved her 5 kids into the ‘igloo’ house at the bottom of the garden. That said ‘Mum 2’ made an appearance last night, the first sighting of her in over a week. She went into the house for a while before being kicked out by the kids as she was blocking the entrance !
The original Mum and hoglets (House 1) are still to be seen coming and going, although not a lot last night. As the kids are now getting quite independant and doing their own thing its impossible to say how many of the original five are still around, although I believe its four. I am pretty sure its one of them that has moved into one of the wooden houses which I put about 2m from the igloo house.
I haven’t created so many videos recently as I was conscious that people may get bored with them. I will certainly continue filming them until it goes quiet in the next few weeks.
Note, about a year ago I tried using the ‘mail big file’ method of uploading videos so they could go on the Hedgehog Street Youtube channel but without success, so I hope I am not upsetting the Admins of this site by embedding my Youtube links directly in my posts !!!
