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  • #43074

    Hello and thank you for letting me join the group!
    I am fortunate to have 3 huge regular hedgehogs!
    My neighbour has just found a smaller hedgehog curled up in her border in full sun. The poor thing was being attacked by flies. I have carefully moved her to a shaded wooded area in my garden with a saucer of water near her. Is it normal for them to be out in full sunlight? She was trying to get the flies away but made no attempt to move from them.
    I shall check on her later. Thank you!


    This hedgehog sounds like it needs immediate help. Please contact BHPS on 01584 890 801 or email and they will help you find a local carer. In the meantime please follow the advice here:
    Good luck!


    The hedgehog had come out of the box and was in my garden. She wolfed down a pack of cat food but when I picked her up her front leg was hanging and useless. I put her in a box in my bathroom and rang Hannah at the bird and hedgehog rescue centre. Got ready to take the hedgehog to see her but the poor thing was no longer alert or responsive. Hannah was amazing and gave me such good advice. I shall definitely treasure my 3 regular more now xxx
    Thank you for your advice x


    Just wondered what happened to the little hog you found ?

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